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Deeper connection seasonal employees
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How to create a deeper connection with seasonal employees

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Building a stellar workplace culture

Connecting with your temporary, seasonal workers can be a challenge for many employers. How do you connect with an employee that likely won’t be around in just a few months? We know that building the connection between you and your workers will make everyone’s experience better, but you cannot motivate seasonal workers the same way you motivate traditional employees.

Today on the WorkBright blog, we are going to talk about what you need to do to create those connections. We want your seasonal employees to feel at home, and your crew to be more united.

Don’t front-load your enthusiasm

While your seasonal workers will only be with you for a short period, don’t front-load your enthusiasm. When you front-load your energy two negative things could happen. You may:

  • Overwhelm your new employees and make their job harder for them.
  • Burnout by being too enthusiastic as soon as they are hired.

We know that you want to get everyone trained and onboarded as soon as possible but take your time. It’s okay to stretch the training and get to know you period into a few weeks versus a few days.

Give your seasonal workers more control

Seasonal workers often feel like pawns in someone else’s game. When your seasonal workers don’t feel in control, it can be difficult for them to attach to the work or their coworkers. Giving your seasonal workers more control over the issues that directly impact them will provide them with more autonomy and a stake in the company.

Can you relinquish control of some small decisions to seasonal workers? Maybe you have various shifts, so you allow your seasonal workers to pick whether they want more day shifts or night shifts. Those small changes will help your seasonal workers feel more secure in their work which allows them to feel more loyal to your company.

Leave your frustrations about work ethic at the door

The hard truth is that your seasonal employees likely won’t have the same work ethic as you. You are hiring them for a specific task, and they are doing that task. They will not have the same passion for your business as you do, and that’s okay.

Once you dissolve that pressure you’ve built up in your head, you can begin to see seasonal workers for what they bring to the table. Your seasonal workers can be an incredible asset to your company. Many of your seasonal workers will become a part of your family. When you have unreasonably high expectations of how they interact with your company, though, it’s harder to see their value.

Appreciate seasonal workers for what they bring to the table, and you will begin to create that connection with seasonal workers that you seek.

Invest in seasonal workers

Seasonal workers are often treated as disposable. It’s hard for seasonal workers to open up when you don’t invest in their growth while they are at your company. Your seasonal workers may begin to feel left out of ordinary company proceedings, and this can lead to trouble. Here are a few ways to invest in your seasonal workers without breaking the bank:

Create a seasonal worker mentorship program

Last week on the blog we talked about why you should create an employee mentorship program. You can create a similar plan for seasonal workers, but you should make it easier to implement. A group mentoring program where one mentor meets with many mentees at once may make it easier for your team. Group mentorship programs can be highly effective when you focus more on the advice and relationships built versus the number of outings your groups attend.

Create a seasonal worker to traditional worker program for those who seem interested

Seasonal workers can make great traditional employees because they are well-trained for the position. Many seasonal employees are already thinking about whether they’d want to work with you permanently. Ask your managers to keep an eye out for any seasonal workers that your company could make a part-time or full-time employee. After stellar seasonal workers have been identified, have a meeting, give them more responsibility, and create a map to get them from seasonal worker to regular employee.

Start a program to keep them coming back for more

Last year we talked about how to maximize seasonal employees, so they return year after year. This advice is more relevant than ever. Hiring the same amount of seasonal workers every year is making it difficult for your HR team to catch a break. When you make it easy for seasonal workers to return, you create a deeper connection because you can get to know employees even better over multiple seasons.

Give personalized feedback and thanks

Treat your employees with respect and personally thank your employees for a job well done. Instead of acknowledging the entire team, take time to give individualized feedback. Personalized recognition will help your seasonal employees feel more appreciated. Your employees will feel like you are seeing them versus sharing thanks with everyone on the team.

Connecting with seasonal employees

Being a seasonal employee is challenging. Seasonal employees may shy away from creating a connection to your company because they know they are temporary. When you elevate your seasonal jobs and treat your employees with respect, your workers will open up. Take the first steps in this relationship and your employees will follow your lead.

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