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Case Studies
Independence Township
Case study

Efficient expansion: Cutting onboarding time by 40+ minutes at Independence Township


A growing population called for efficient onboarding to manage the influx of seasonal and full-time employees.


They implemented WorkBright, streamlining onboarding and simplifying I-9 document management and task follow-ups.


Enhanced hiring efficiency for seasonal employees during peak periods, reducing onboarding time by 40 minutes per employee.


Independence Township is a growing township of 40,000 people in Michigan. They needed help onboarding various seasonal and full-time employees, especially in their CAPRA (Commission For Accreditation Of Parks And Recreation Agencies) accredited Parks & Recreation department.

With approximately 100 full-time staff and even more seasonal workers, Independence Township needed a platform to keep all of their workers and paperwork organized. As a township, they started using WorkBright to handle the influx of seasonal workers in the summer months but quickly realized the value of using WorkBright to onboard seasonal and full-time staff alike.

They needed a new system that was:

  1. Scalable for seasonal hires.
  2. Easy to use as a department of one.
  3. Accessible for new hires (before day one!)


By implementing WorkBright, Independence Township was able to quickly scale when they needed to. Thanks to their CAPRA-accredited Parks & Recreation department, Rachel Thompson and the Independence Township team regularly see large influxes of hiring in the spring to prepare for summer programs. WorkBright empowers the Independence Township team to onboard quickly during their seasonal cycles.

Being a department of one isn’t easy, but it’s something that many HR professionals know all too well. Rachel is the sole HR professional as an HR manager at Independence Township. WorkBright helps her get more tasks done.

If you give employees a stack of paperwork and one hour to read it, it probably won’t get read as thoroughly as you would like. WorkBright gives HR professionals like Rachel peace of mind because she knows that all of her new employees have ample time to read, review, and ask questions about paperwork before their first day of employment.

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