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2023 B Corp Impact Statement

In our third year as a Certified B Corp, we’ve deepened our commitment to accountability, transparency, and generosity.

As a B Corp, we balance purpose and profit, considering our impact on all stakeholders. This summary highlights our progress in prioritizing purpose and increasing social and environmental responsibility.

Our Impact Statement outlines updates in four key areas and sets benchmarks for the coming year to measure progress and guide our future efforts.

As Impact Management Leaders, we document our progress and set benchmarks for the year ahead. Thank you to all who contributed to our B Corp initiatives—we look forward to building on this momentum.

Monica Faberman & Joseph Kurpjuweit

B Corp Impact Leaders

Our passion

Creating an organization that values giving as much as gaining.

Our cause

Empowering people to get to work faster.

Our focus

The best I-9 solution in the world.

The dream team

B Corp leaders by area

These four key areas are managed by our B Corp Leaders, employees accountable to annual B Corp outcomes:

2023 B Corp leaders

Honoring our 2023 B Corp Leaders for driving progress, reporting, and engaging employees in B Corp priorities.

  • Civic engagement: Gina Manu, Director of Client Services
  • Employee engagement: Sam Scott, BDR
  • Environmental management: Christine Stevens, Customer Account Manager
  • Health & wellness: Doug Andersen, CSR
  • Impact management: Mark Lackey, Senior Engineer
  • JEDI: Morgan Jernigan, Customer Account Manager
  • Marketing: Sydney Bernal, Growth Marketing Manager
  • Stakeholder engagement: Lauren Pfannmiller, CRO
  • Supplier relations: David Payne, CFO
  • Core values leader: Ben Fraser, Brand Manager

Quarterly employee award

Finally, the company honors a standout employee each quarter. We're excited to announce the 2023 quarterly core value award winners:

Q1 Trusted Guide: Whitney Herrera, Customer Success Manager

Q2 Ambitious Achiever: Sam Scott, Account Executive & Alfonso Valdez, Full Stack Engineer

Q3 Caring Peer: Mark Lackey, Senior Engineer

Q4 Thoughtful Listener: Doug Andersen, CSR

2023 Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Spotlight on volunteers

The Earth Citizens Organization

Iris Tomlinson, Implementation & Training Specialist volunteered for The Earth Citizens Organization (ECO) which is a nonprofit dedicated to fostering mindful living, natural health, and global sustainability. She worked to gather and wash eggs in preparation for donation to local food pantries and setting up a cozy home for a new batch of chicks.

Our customers & their staff

Stakeholder engagement

In 2023, our Stakeholder Advisory Board, made up of 14 participants from various groups, provided valuable insights through regular surveys. Their feedback helped shape our product, positioning, and priorities, ensuring we effectively serve all stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and partners.

Key insights derived:

  • Industry changes: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implemented massive changes across Form I-9 regulation in 2023 impacting employer's requirements for verifying Section 2 across remote employees. Stakeholders helped shape and validate perspectives around the value that our product and future feature development would drive for customers.
  • Stakeholder priority: Stakeholders shared that Security was of the top importance to them, followed closely by customer retention/loyalty, growth and profitability mirroring our internal priorities.
  • Positioning: Stakeholders weighed in on WorkBright's positioning around our Passion, Cause, Focus and 3 Unique Differentiators, highlighting opportunities to better align messaging for our new website launching in 2024.

Benchmarking for future impact:

2023 results

Connect with each stakeholder at least 3 times and share key learnings with the company

Establish group of customer advocates to help shape product development, market positioning and drive innovation.

2024 goals

Redefine stakeholders as the business evolves in Q1-Q3 of 2024 and create an updated engagement schedule for Q4 2024 and 2025.

Health and wellness challenge highlights

Our team’s commitment to well-being shines through in our Health and wellness challenges, where we embrace fitness, mindfulness, and healthy habits together.

Our internal team

Health and wellness

Our “Health and Wellness” challenges help us connect remotely and strengthen company culture. By sharing pictures and engaging with different teams, we improve cross-departmental communication and get to know each other better.

In April, we hosted the "Get outside" challenge, encouraging coworkers to post outdoor photos. It promoted physical activity, teamwork, and connection across locations. In May, we introduced the "Walking/steps" challenge to combat sedentary habits, encouraging breaks and movement during work hours.

In August, after hitting a major milestone, we launched the "Self-care" challenge, offering $150 to employees to treat themselves and their support systems, with pictures shared to celebrate self-care.

These virtual wellness challenges have been key to our B Corp Journey, fostering healthy behaviors, work-life balance, and strong employee engagement.

Benchmarking for future impact:

2023 results

✔ Hosted challenges and allowed coworkers to share a little more about themselves while having the opportunity to win a prize

2024 goals

Have 2 BCorp leaders to ensure challenges are hosted every month

Have more of an automated process to touch on other aspects of health & wellness like reimbursements, etc.

Collaborate with other BCorp Leaders on activities and challenges

JEDI in 2023

We had a successful year of ensuring all employees were in DEI Training upon hire. In addition to new hires we were able to ensure all current employees were in one training about DEI and what it means to us as a company.

Benchmarking for future impact:

2023 results

✔ Everyone on our team annually participates in diversity, equity, and inclusion training.

✔ Each new hire receives diversity, equity, and inclusion training as part of their onboarding experience.

✔ ✖ Each Manager participates annually in a full-day diversity, equity, and inclusion training focused on removing bias from hiring and diversifying our workforce.— We did an hour of training for Managers.

✔ For new hires, we work to have an interview pool that is at least 50% BIPOC, female, over 60, LGBTQ+, or of veteran status.

✔ We annually audit our results in these areas, listen deeply to feedback, and take action on an ongoing basis.

✔ ✖ Do two surveys to ensure progress has been made from Q1 to Q4 on JEDI Awareness— One survey was done, strategy shifted to include only one per year for annual benchmarking.

2024 goals

Improve upon DEI Survey and reporting: Conduct second annual DEI survey collecting both demographics and employee sentiment on DEIB at WorkBright

Complete one all-company DEI training

Use DEI Calendar to create conversation and engagement with employees throughout the year with posts to the JEDI Slack channel.

Employee Engagement

2023 was a year of growth for WorkBright! We used Lunch and Learns not only to engage employees on various topics but also to connect with new hires and current staff. Every new employee received BCorp training, including a walkthrough of our BCorp handbook. We also had a Personal Development Grant winner, Whitney Stevens, who used her grant to attend San Antonio's Fiesta and explore the city's history.

We held monthly Lunch and Learns, covering topics from Health and Wellness to Product Knowledge, with an average attendance of 75%. It was a great year for learning, development, and connection!

Benchmarking for future impact:

2023 result

Host Lunch and Learns across 3 categories:

✔ Mental/Physical Health

✔ Relationship Building

✔ Life Skills/Growth

✔ ✖ Increase participation in Personal Development Grant

2024 goals

Continue to promote and increase participation in Personal and Professional Development Grants

Have a more structured plan for Lunch and Learns throughout the year to increase employee attendance

Capture video and photos from Lunch and Learns to highlight Workbright's Employee Engagement

Employee volunteering time

WorkBright employees are given eight hours of paid volunteer time each quarter. In 2023, the team contributed over 132 hours to organizations they care about, making a positive impact in our communities.

Our Community

Supplier Relations

In 2023 we began implementing steps to solicit new vendor feedback prior to issuing payment with the hope of receiving more valuable responses. We developed a new vendor packet, including a survey to collect demographic information, environmental practices, and acceptance of WorkBright's Supplier Code of Conduct. Full implementation will begin in 2024.

Benchmarking for future impact:

2023 results

✔ Developed comprehensive New Vendor Survey

✔ Included acknowledgement of WorkBright's Supplier Code of Conduct

2024 goals

Rollout new vendor procedures to include New Vendor Survey to all new vendors

Aggregate New Vendor data per the New Vendor Survey results

Solicit responses to Vendor Survey from established vendors

Civic Engagement

At WorkBright, our Caring Peer core value emphasizes putting people first, serving one another, our customers, and our community with respect and pride.

Charitable partner partnership

WorkBright is committed to supporting organizations that align with our Core Values, focusing on the contingent workforce and reducing environmental impacts.

In late 2020, we chose Bridge House as our 2021-2023 charitable partner. Bridge House supports adults experiencing homelessness through living assistance and job training. Despite pandemic limitations on in-person volunteering, we donated $11,000 and raised awareness about homelessness.

In October 2023, employees nominated organizations for our next charitable partner, and Crisis Text Line was selected for 2024-2026.

Our commitment to Crisis Text line includes:

  1. Cash donation of 0.2% of its revenue each year
  2. Minimum of two employees to volunteer as Crisis Counselors
  3. Complimentary use of the WorkBright onboarding platform
  4. Advocacy for mental health in our communities

Benchmarking for future impact:

2023 results

Create an impactful final year supporting Bridge House as our 2021-2023 charitable partner

Complete the nomination and selection process for our 2024-2026 charitable partner

Increase employee use of allotted PTO hours for volunteer/community work in 2023 by 20%

Identify two local volunteer activities for Colorado based team members to participate in

2024 goals

Establish a partnership with our newly selected charitable partner.

Increase employee use of allotted PTO hours for volunteer/community work.

Plan a volunteer event at the all-company offsite.

Spotlight organizations that were nominated for the 2024-2026 charitable partner by employees but not selected.


In 2023, we undertook a complete rebranding of our website, emphasizing transparency, social responsibility, and the unique value we bring across the B2B HR SaaS space. This refresh was designed not just to modernize our appearance but to grant us the ability to lead with our core commitments and highlight our ongoing dedication to making a positive impact on our team, customers, communities, and the planet.

One of the components of this rebranding was highlighting our impact section, displaying initiatives from previous years, allowing our community to see our growth and continued focus on meaningful change.

Our people-centric approach became a guiding principle not only in our site rebrand but also in our social channels, ensuring that every update prioritized the voices, needs, and stories of the people we work with and serve. We invested time and attention in laying out a strong foundation for B Corp-centered campaigns—especially on LinkedIn. Setting us up to focus heavily on communicating the values and impact of our B Corp status well into the future.

Benchmarking for future impact:

2023 results

Establish WorkBright as an enterprise-focused B-Corp leader in the HR Vertical by landing one major media partnership/CEO interview in Q4 23 that highlights the B-Corp achievements of the organization as outlined in this document. — You should absolutely go listen!

2024 goals

Create values-centered content by integrating JEDI commitments into the website and launching social media campaigns to educate on B Corp certification, spotlight our B Corp leaders, and celebrate those who embody our values.

Spotlight on volunteers

Durango Trails

David Payne, CFO volunteered at the Durango Trails in Durango, Colorado, and helped with the building and maintenance of the biking and hiking trails.

Our planet

Environmental Management

In 2023, our team continued working toward sustainable homes and home offices. As a fully remote company, we encourage employees to align with our values of responsibility and community impact.

Through newsletters, lunch-and-learns, and Slack updates, we promote energy and water conservation, proper waste disposal, home gardening, and reducing carbon footprints.

Additionally, we partnered with NativeEnergy to offset our emissions, making WorkBright carbon neutral for 2023. We chose the "Provide Clean Water to Communities in Mozambique" project to offset 27 tonnes of carbon emissions.

Benchmarking for future impact:

2023 results

✔ Organize four environmental learning opportunities for WorkBright employees in 2023.

2024 goals

Provide two learning opportunities through Lunch n' learns

Carbon footprint 100% offset

One environmental challenge

Develop a new impact survey that is more user-friendly

Four additional learning activities for staff